Use the Files app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

2019-5-8 · 用ios手机拍照,系统会给图片加上一个方向的属性, ios相机默认的拍照方向是后摄Home键在右为正,前摄Home键在左为正。 1代表正常的拍摄角度,ios横屏下拍摄、安卓机无论横屏竖屏拍摄,Orientaion的值都为1;但是ios竖屏拍摄,Orientaion的值为6,即竖着拍出的照片被添加了一个顺时 GitHub - CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack: A fast & … Change log levels per logger (verbose console, but concise log file). Change log levels per xcode configuration (verbose debug, but concise release). Have your log statements compiled out of the release build. Customize the number of log levels for your application. Add your own fine-grained logging. Dynamically change log levels during runtime iOS Crash log符号化庖丁解牛 - 简书

10 Best File Managers for iPhone to Manage Files on iOS

“盲”逆向:iOS 应用 Blind 寻踪 - Icefox's Blog

(转载)C++ ofstream和ifstream详细用法 - 露水上 …

ios - Logging data on device and retrieving the log 2020-7-20 · Just add this block of code in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method in the app delegate file and it will create a log file in app document directory on iPhone which logs all console log events. You need to import this file from iTunes to see all console events. Note: In the .plist file make sure that Application supports iTunes file