Windows refers to the hosts file each time it connects over a network using a hostname. If it finds an entry for the hostname in the hosts file, it will contact the server specified in the file.

Aug 09, 2013 · By default %SystemRoot% is "C:\\Windows". Here you will find a sample lmhosts file , lmhosts .sam , and a sample hosts file, hosts.sam . If any mappings have been created you will find the lmhosts file and possibly a hosts file, neither having an extension. 2.2.3 LMHOSTS File Syntax. 2/14/2019; 2 minutes to read; In this article. The LMHOSTS file is a static text file of NetBIOS name and IPv4 addresses along with additional directives for processing, including a #INCLUDE mechanism that includes the following: In Windows system there are many configuration files, two of them are hosts” and “lmhosts.sam” files. What is the “hosts” file? The hosts file is used by an operating system to map hostnames to IP addresses. May 10, 2020 · Hosts file is basically a text file buried deep inside your computer’s Windows folder, but you won’t find a .txt extension next to its name. You can see the file by navigating to the path given below: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc. The size of original file tends to be around 824 bytes. + The LMHOSTS file is used as a local WINS equivalent to resolve NetBIOS computer names to IP addresses. Each of these files is also known as a host table. Sample versions of LMHOSTS (called LMHOSTS.SAM) and HOSTS files are added to the Windows directory when you install Windows 95 with TCP/IP support. Mar 28, 2013 · The windows hosts file allows you to map an IP Address to a Hostname and that is all (effectively a manual dns entry for your local PC). The lmhosts file allows you to resolve a remote server when attempting to use NET Utilities across a different subnet. Dec 15, 2019 · An Easier Way to Edit the Hosts File in Windows 10 If you found that process a bit cumbersome, there’s a third-party utility you can use to modify your HOSTS file. I found a good one called

LMHOSTS is a static table that resolves a host name to an IP address. You can check to see if you have a WINS server configured in the TCP/IP settings of the machine. If so, you should not need an LMHOSTS unless someone is having a problem with getting a specific server registered.

TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (lmhosts) Service Defaults in Windows 10. Provides support for the NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution for clients on the network, therefore enabling users to share files, print, and log on to the network. If this service is stopped, these functions might be unavailable. Windows XP startup should proceed, but a message box should be displayed informing the user that the LmHosts service has failed to start. Dependencies TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper depends on the following system components: NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System) was created in the early 1980's, but is surprisingly still alive and well on many networks today. Microsoft Windows still uses it for its name resolution function (often by default), when DNS is not available. Network resiliency and access to resources is a good thing, but keeping NetBIOS enabled Mar 31, 2020 · In this exercise, we will show you how to import a standard text file into your Windows Server 2003 system in order to generate an LMHOSTS file.Make sure the file is formatted correctly before importing it, as discussed previously; there is no need to name it or remove the file extension however, because this process will do that automatically.

net start lmhosts. sc start lmhosts. Note: You can’t start a service if Startup type is on Disabled. To Stop TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service: net stop lmhosts. sc stop lmhosts. To change Startup type: Automatic: REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\lmhosts" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f. sc config lmhosts start= auto. Manual:

Apr 26, 2012 · The LMHosts file in it’s default form, is named lmhosts.sam The .sam represents sample. If you are planning on using this file it needs to be saved without a file extension – lmhosts. Be careful if using a text editor like NotePad as it will add a .txt file extension to the name. The LMHOSTS file is a text file in the \Windows directory that lists the IP addresses and computer names of remote Windows networking servers that you want to communicate with. The LMHOSTS file should list all the names and IP addresses of the servers you regularly access. Apr 09, 2004 · In Windows machines you may not already have a hosts file. If this is the case there will most likely be a sample hosts file called hosts.sam that you can rename to hosts and use as you wish. TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (lmhosts) Service Defaults in Windows 10. Provides support for the NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution for clients on the network, therefore enabling users to share files, print, and log on to the network. If this service is stopped, these functions might be unavailable. Windows XP startup should proceed, but a message box should be displayed informing the user that the LmHosts service has failed to start. Dependencies TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper depends on the following system components: NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System) was created in the early 1980's, but is surprisingly still alive and well on many networks today. Microsoft Windows still uses it for its name resolution function (often by default), when DNS is not available. Network resiliency and access to resources is a good thing, but keeping NetBIOS enabled Mar 31, 2020 · In this exercise, we will show you how to import a standard text file into your Windows Server 2003 system in order to generate an LMHOSTS file.Make sure the file is formatted correctly before importing it, as discussed previously; there is no need to name it or remove the file extension however, because this process will do that automatically.