Jan 29, 2019

Facebook meets Square: Why this integration matters for Apr 01, 2016 New York Federal Court Dismisses Computer Fraud and Abuse Sep 04, 2011 Supercookies: Web sites are now using them; how to get rid Aug 18, 2011 Samy Kamkar - evercookie - virtually irrevocable

Hulu and MSN Caught Using Supercookies to Track User Data

What Are Supercookies? Here's How to Remove Them Properly Aug 22, 2019 What are Super Cookies and How to Remove them

Feb 07, 2015 · "Supercookies" are cookies designed to be permanently stored on devices. They're often more difficult to detect than regular cookies and they can't be deleted in the same way regular cookies can.

In addition to supercookies, we spotted two other issues with Microsoft's advertising practices. Microsoft's targeted advertising opt-out button was invisible in Chrome and Safari. Microsoft operates its own advertising choice page. (Note that Microsoft only allows users to opt out of seeing behaviorally targeted advertising; it does not remove