BUFFERED OXIDE ETCH Page 4 of 9 It has been conclusively shown (references 1,2,3 and 4 below) that flushing the affected area with water for one minute and then massaging HF Antidote Gel into the wound until there is a cessation of pain is the most effective

BOE Wet Etch of Silicon Dioxide - Research - UWEE The concentration of HF and NH F in the solution coupled with temperature also effects the etch rate as seen in the following figures. Etch rate of SiO 2 increases with increasing weight % of HF in the etch solution, as well as higher ratios of NH 4 F buffer in the solutions. Etch … Surface Cleaning and Wet Processing - University of Arizona Typical dilution ratios range from 1:1 H2O:HF to 100:1 H2O:HF. For certain critical etches, the HF may be diluted with ammonium fluoride (NH4F) to promote more uniform liquid coverage on the Si surface, and it is then called a Buffered Oxide Etch (BOE). Since HF removes the SiO2, it leaves a bare Si surface when the etch is taken to completion. Preparing your own buffer solutions for pH calibration For the pH 7 buffer add 10g of mono potassium phosphate per liter of solution (this doesn’t need to be exact) and stir the solution until it dissolves. Then add KOH slowly, add it flake by flake, while you measure the pH until your pH reaches 7.00. You will notice that as the pH approaches 7 you will need more KOH to change the pH. MANUFACTURER: TRANSENE COMPANY, INC. 10 …

A buffer is an aqueous solution that has a highly stable pH. A buffering agent is a weak acid or weak base that helps maintain the pH of an aqueous solution after adding another acid or base. If you add an acid or a base to a buffered solution, its pH will not change significantly.

Transfer solution to poly beaker. Carefully add 20 ml of 49% HF and mix. Store solution in poly container. Label with name, date, and the following “Buffered Oxide Etch. Danger: Contains Hydrofluoric Acid!” Use as etchant for oxide and glass. Use only poly beakers during etch process. Do not heat poly beakers on hot plate. Rinse all lab ware. Buffered oxide etchant (BOE) is a wet etchant used in microfabrication. Its primary use is in etching thin films of silicon dioxide (SiO 2) or silicon nitride (Si 3 N 4). It is a mixture of a buffering agent, such as ammonium fluoride (NH 4 F), and hydrofluoric acid (HF). Concentrated HF etches silicon dioxide too quickly for good process We could use ICE tables to calculate the concentration of F-from HF dissociation, but, since K a is so small, we can approximate that virtually all of the HF will remain undissociated, so the amount of F-in the solution from HF dissociation will be negligible. Thus, the [HF] is about 1 M and the [F-] is close to 0. A solution is 0.050 M in acetic acid (HC 2 H 3 O 2) and 0.050 M NaC 2 H 3 O 2. Calculate the change in pH when 0.001 mole of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to a liter of solution, assuming that the volume increase upon adding the HCl is negligible. Compare this to the pH if the same amount of HCl is added to a liter of pure water. Step 1:

Jun 30, 2003

Jun 30, 2003